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Price Sheet (pdf)
Photograph by Bernd Billmayer, © 1999
LGB of America's 1st Authorized Installer!
O-Scale Sky-Trestle

Lionel trains . . . almost everybody grew up with them. How about displaying your vintage O-scale trains on either a static display or an operational system? We design and build O-scale systems that are very similar to our G-scale systems. Almost any type of track will work fine on our wooden trestle system. We recommend Atlas brand track as it looks great and works better than the antique Lionel track.

We currently produce the O-72 (O-scale with a 72" diameter) curve track for all O-scale systems. Curves that are smaller than that, say the O-54, are too small to look appealing. The larger the curve, the better the train looks and operates. As for the brackets, they are very similar to the G-scale brackets - just smaller. The width of our track for O-scale is 5" (7" for G-scale). This allows plenty of room for long passenger cars on curves where overhang is a concern.

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