Frequently Asked Questions |
Getting Started
Trains & Track
Installation Questions
Purchase Info
Getting Started
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- Can I buy a complete system including the trains from you?
- Yes, we do offer a "turnkey" system, which includes
everything you need to operate your trains. We sell the LGB items at a discount
if you decide to order a turnkey system. We do not sell any LGB items after a
system sale, you will need to purchase any additional items from a local hobby shop or online.
- Can I call you to discuss my ideas of what I want?
- Absolutely, we really do like to talk trains, please
contact us. The more you talk to us and other people, the better informed you
will be and the better able to make good decisions.
- Can I see your systems?
- Yes. We do have a demo system in Estes Park, Colorado that
is available for you to visit. Please call Leif Johnson for an appointment. We
also have operating displays in Northern California, Denver, Orlando and
New York. Please contact us and we will give you more information on the exact
locations of these systems.
- Do you sell your system in hobby stores?
- No, you will need to contact us directly for purchase of
a system. We do however sell many of our accessories through Caboose Hobbies in Denver.
- Can I add more to my system in the future or install the system in phases?
- Yes, many customers build their system in phases and may
complete it over several years.
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- Can I add bridges or tunnels?
- Yes, we offer many bridge types as well as snow sheds and
tunnels. Please see our full line of accessories.
- Can I put buildings along the track?
- Yes, that adds a lot of character to the system. Building
fronts need to be no more than 2" deep along the track with our standard wall
brackets. Full buildings can go in the curves, as there is more room in those
- Can lights and signals be added to the system?
- Yes, many accessories can be added after the system is
- Can my track have slopes to it?
- Yes, just depending on how much room you have. We like to
stay close to a 2% slope (50' to rise 12").
- How much weight will the track support?
- That depends on a few things: type of brackets,
distance between brackets, how the brackets are attached, type of ceiling or wall, etc.
Due to these factors, each system is handled on a case by case basis. We will ask what trains you
plan to run on your system at the time of design to ensure your system and room construction
can support the weight.
- Can I order the wood track painted instead of stained?
- No, we do not offer our track painted, but we do offer it
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Trains and Track
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- Do I have to run all LGB locomotives and cars?
- No. We recommend LGB products due to their high quality,
but any "G" scale trains will run on our system.
- I want the trains to be completely hands free. How do I do that?
- Very simple--just set it up as an analog system. Many of
LGB's products are already designed for that. We can also provide you with all
the information on how to wire it that way.
- Can I run more than one train on the system?
- Yes, by using the LGB automatic station circuits or by
using LGB's Multi Train System (MTS). MTS is a digital system that is more complex and expensive.
- Does the LGB track need to be screwed to the wood track?
- No, but it is a good idea to do so to keep the track centered on the platform and ensure no gaps
develop between the track sections over time.
- Do I need guard rails?
- Yes and no. We require them for all commercial systems
and it is probably a good idea in earthquake regions.
- Will other brands of track work on your system?
- Yes, they will work, but the ties will not line up
properly and the curves may not fit due to slight radius differences. We design
the wood ties to match the tie spacing for LGB brand track.
- What curve sizes are available?
- Our standard curves are the LGB--R2's, R3's and
R5's (30.5", 47.1" & 91.3" centerline radius, respectively).
- Does it matter what power cable I run to power the tracks?
- Yes! You should use a minimum of 20-gauge wire for systems using less than 5
amps and for small, single motor locomotives. Use 14-gauge wire for systems
with more than 5 amps and large or multiple locomotives.
- Will the track collect dust? How do I clean it?
- Yes, it will collect dust - just like anything else in your
house. We recommend dusting the track like you would dust anything else. You will
also need to clean the rails from time to time. A track cleaning car works well
for that or you can just use a lint free rag (do not use steel wool) and wipe the rails
occasionally to remove oxidation.
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Installation Questions
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- Can I install the system myself?
- Yes. It's not difficult in most cases, but it is time
consuming. You will need another person to help you. We do furnish you with a
set of very detailed installation instructions as well.
- Do I need to attach the brackets to my existing studs?
- No, most of the time you will not attach to the studs.
We design the brackets for drywall construction, but they can be attached to
studs, rafters, etc.
- Do you do installations?
- Yes, please contact us for more information and pricing
on installations.
- If I move, can I take the track to my new home?
- Yes, the system is completely modular and can be removed easily.
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Purchase Info
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- How do I get a quote?
- Please review our quote and design page for
what is required for us to provide you a detailed quote. In most cases the quote and design is free,
however, depending on the size and complexity of the system, a design fee may be charged.
- How do I order a system?
- After we provide you with a quote, all
we need is a deposit (usually 50%) and we will put you in our production queue.
As soon as we have your system completed, we will contact you and will need the
balance prior to delivery.
- How do you ship the system?
- We use UPS ground for all deliveries.
- Can I use my credit card to purchase from you?
- Yes, we can send you the invoice via PayPal which is a
secure online method of credit card purchases. There will be an additional
3% fee for all PayPal purchases.
- Do you accept personal checks for payment?
- Yes. We do recommend payment by person check, as it is saves the credit
card fees. We will hold the final system shipment until the check clears our bank.
- Do I have to pay extra for shipping?
- Yes, S/H is in addition to the system price. We do
list shipping fees as a separate line item in the quote.
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